African Transkei Magic Mushrooms


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African Transkei Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, African Transkei), aka South African Transkei (SAT) is the first and one of the only P. Cubensis strain originating out of the continent of Africa. It is unknown who exactly collected the samples, but from our research it shows that the samples were collected in January 2002 at the Wild Coast region of South Africa. It is reported that the mushrooms were found growing directly in dung in the shades of a tree.

Terrence McKenna’s “Stoned Ape Theory” refers to magic mushrooms being the evolutionary catalyst for tripling the human brain size in under two million years. Early humans such as Homo Erectus originated from the continent of Africa before travelling and exploring into Europe and Asia. African Transkei shrooms may possibly have been one of the mushrooms early Hominids consumed to develop their brains and in turn develop into what we know today as Homo Sapiens.

The African Transkei are well known for their visual effects and moderately high potency. Expect both open eyed and closed eyes visuals with this strain. With higher dosage you can expect mystic experiences and deep thought that may allow you to see things from a new perspective.

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The visuals produced from this strain constitute an absolute firework show: a stunning combination of tracers, lights, and geometric patterns, moving and building on one another in a mesmerizing choreography, it truly has to be experienced to be appreciated. It is one of the most visually evocative highs you are ever likely to experience.

Individuals may experience this effects when consuming African Transkei Magic Mushrooms :

1. Firstly many users report an increase in creative thinking

2. African Transkei Magic Mushrooms may lead to feelings of euphoria, happiness, and overall positivity, which can provide a temporary reprieve from negative emotions or mental states.

3.  Some individuals have profound spiritual or mystical experiences while tripping on psilocybin mushrooms, providing a sense of interconnectedness, oneness, or spiritual insight.

4. to add to this Psilocybin mushrooms have been known to promote open-mindedness, empathy, and acceptance of new ideas

5. Users of African Transkei Magic Mushrooms often report heightened emotional states, deeper interpersonal connections, and a greater appreciation for beauty and meaning in life.

6.   altered perception and enhanced sensory experiences

7. Lastly African Transkei Magic Mushrooms can facilitate deep self-exploration


Setting, mindset, dosage, and individual differences all play a role in the overall experience.




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